COY Paediatrics

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management.

— Josh Billings
  • Tip For The Week

    Help kids feel safe, loved, and cared for. This is the best way to offset stress. Feeling close to you and knowing you love and accept them is more important than ever. Provide routines, like the same bedtime, eating a meal together, or being there after school.

Service Overview

Twenty- four hours a day, all COY facilities are open and welcome clients who requires routine consultation.

Most cases attend the OPD for treatment of illnesses such as upper respiratory conditions, diarrhea without dehydration, and fever, or for vaccinations. These clients have few demonstrable signs and parents generally expect their child to get well with just a day of the treatment, which is rarely a possibility.

Counselling service

Counselling about the need and expected time of resolution can convince the parents to be more patient. They want all their qeries fulfilled and all their doubt cleared because they are on behalf of a child patient who cannot express many things and they are guardian to such delicate human beings.

Our care

We show parents empathy and that we care equally for the welfare of the child. We patiently answer all the queries you have. Our doctors put themselves in the place of parents and try to fulfill their queries. We don’t give up ethically to prescribe medications for parent’s satisfaction. We do it only when we know it is required. And the question is “is it possible?”.

Common OPD Treatments

  • Colonoscopy
  • Gastroscopy
  • Allergy Testing
  • CT Scan
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Colonoscopy

Medical Walk-in Process

No Appointment Needed

Patients do not have to plan out when they come in. Simply walk in and you’ll seen.

Licensed Professionals

Urgent care physicians and nurses offer high-quality care. They are licensed and recognized.

Cost Effective

The cost charged at an immediate care clinic is generally less than a cost charged at a hospital ER.